Mike Stoker
Founder, President & CEO
Mike Stoker has an extensive background working with Presidents, Governors and local leaders. From Santa Barbara County Supervisor, to Majority Counsel to Congress, to Chairman of the CA Agricultural Labor Relations Board, to CA Deputy Secretary of State to the Presidential appointee as the Southwest Administrator of the US EPA where he was responsible for serving over 70 million people, Mike knows who to reach out to at all levels of government when it comes to advocacy. And he is known for reaching across both sides of the aisle to get things done gaining the respect of local Democrat and Republican leaders whose doors will always be open to hear the concerns of the Santa Barbara County Taxpayer Advocacy Center.
Board Members
Chairman Tim Tremblay
Cory Bantilan
Trent Benedetti
Randy Fox
June Van Wingerden
Tim Mahoney
Marian Lavagnino
Chris Collier
Neil Gowing
Kathy Vreeland
Stoker with Brooks Firestone and Supervisor Elect Roy Lee
Stoker with SB County Supervisors Bob Nelson and Steve Lavagnino
"I look at our business members as clients. My job is to help them wherever needed in dealing with governmental hurdles to help them be as successful as possible."
Mike Stoker, SBCTAC President & CEO
"If anyone knows how to get things resolved with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies it is Mike Stoker. With Mike at the helm of the SBCTAC its business members will have a powerful advocate to resolve their problems and the SBCTAC will make sure local government pays attention to the issues of economic prosperity, fiscal responsibility, property rights, and public safety."
- Former Assemblyman and County Supervisor Brooks Firestone